

How to Submit Projects
The Coachella Valley IRWM region is now accepting projects for the IRWM Plan. Stakeholders may submit water management projects using our online Project Database. Our interactive database allows local project sponsors to log-in and add, revise, and submit their project information, as well as view all other submitted projects. Instructions on how to submit a project can be found here. Sign up today to submit your project!

Proposition 1

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released guidelines for distribution of competitive grants under Proposition 1 (available on DWR’s IRWM Website). Proposition 1 authorized $510 million for the State’s IRWM grant program. The Colorado River Funding Area – which includes the Imperial, Borrego, and portions of Mojave IRWM regions, along with the newly formed San Gorgonio region – will receive approximately $22.5 million over the next few years. Funding awards will be competitive within the Funding Area, with the exception of the DAC Planning Grant that was submitted jointly between the Imperial, Mojave, and Coachella Valley regions in January 2017.

All projects submitted as part of the upcoming Proposition 1 grant applications must be consistent with the Coachella Valley IRWM Plan – they must be in our online Project Database!

CV Water Counts Project Highlight

What Types of Activities Are Considered?